Monday 28 October 2013

New hope for Ahnaf and Amru

Last weekend (27/10/2013) me and my husband attended a short briefing on the special programme conducted by MR Fendi a.k.a Mr Kataki for students of S.K Desa Aman.

This is not a compulsory programme but when we read the letter from the organizer, this would beneficial for Ahnaf and Amru. This is more on the motivational programme for six month (once a week) that aimed for improving English, Mathematics and Sciences. The approaches that will use is more on motivational and "learning" is fun approaches.

As highlighted by Mr Kataki, to be good in English we have to improve our vocabulary. And this will be stressed during the two hour session. And parents are required to buy the Star newspaper as the support materials for the kids.

What made us excited with this programme is in one session, each kid will require to do public speaking in English.. which is VERY GOOD for Amru (the most shy person in the family) and it will boost up Ahnaf's self-esteem (as he is keep worrying on his skin colour - adoila..)..

We pray that this programme will have great impact on both of our heroes. And Umi and Ayah also will benefit on this programme to improve our English as well..

Thursday 10 October 2013

Again and again

PhD.. is not only to get a certificate that make people called you DR. It is rather a journey in your learning and life..

PhD.. I am tired yet my motivational level is high to finish what I have started.. Be patience my dear self.. your are not at 70% of your journey.. keep it up my dear self.. keep it up...

Tuesday 17 September 2013

The start of a new journey

Alhamdulillah I got a very supportive husband and families.

My journey began back to the year 2007. At that time I have told my late mom and my late brother  - Cho on my intention to pursue my PhD (and of course my beloved husband was the first person I spoke to). Alhamdulillah they support my decision.

At the beginning, me and my husband (with advise of my senior UiTM) colleagues decided to go for New Zealand for my PhD journey. I did not tell my family about the plan as the plan might change (and of course the PLAN became the PLAN as ALLAH has the best PLAN for me and my family).

I have surveyed the best universities, contacted potential supervisors in New Zealand. The most appealed university was the Canterbury University and I got an email replied from my potential supervisor there. I started to research the suitable topic and discussing with my colleagues.

Me and my husband were preparing our mental and physical to go New Zealand. My husband was willing to resign from his job just to follow me to New Zealand. Even we have decided to have another baby before I pursues my PhD.

In December 2009, I had an interview for the UiTM Staff Scholarship for my PhD. UNLUCKILY, the interviewers told me that all PhD applications to oversea has been frozen as UiTM had no budget for it due to recession. Only critical specializations were considered to go abroad for PhD and as usual, EDUCATION is consider as non-critical area of specialization.

I was so upset at that time. To make us happy, just after the interview session, me (who were 3 month pregnant) and my husband went to Sungai Buloh area to search for our new house. We went to Saujana Utama and then to Desa Coalfields. We chose AVINA in Desa Coalfields. It nearby UiTM Puncak Perdana and Puncak Alam of which either one will be the permanent place for Faculty of Education - my faculty in future.

We were so lucky as we were among the earliest customers for the last phase of Desa Coalfields as the developer had not launched yet the phase. Thus, we had opportunity to choose our house unit according to our preferences. And now we were officially had a house we called HOME :-)

My PhD Journey

I have another 8 months to go before finishing my PhD.. It's not late to share my journey in this blog..

Monologue.. again..

In this world.. we meet many types of people.. People who are always support and love unconditionally, those who are showing their support and love conditionally, people who are always showing their hatred towards you and those with two faces.

The last category is the most dangerous. They could simply pretending they are your true friends and at the same time acting like your enemy and stabbing behind your back. Personally, I have faced many of the two faces people. They hurt me a lot yet I tried my best to be nice to them like our Prophet Muhammad SAW did to his enemies.

But I have my limitations.. Please do not cross the boundaries people. I have very very dark side of me which I try not to reveal to everybody.. Nauzubillah..

Dear self.. be patient.. remember Allah is the best cure of your heart.. do not bother with the two faces people.. They could hurt you badly but you have ALLAH with you dear self..

Put aside your sadness and moving on.. you have unfinished AMANAH.. ;-)

Monday 16 September 2013

Penyusuan ekslusif: Monolog kisahku

1) Ahnaf Al-Qais Azwadi

Maafkan umi Ahnaf. Ahnaf hanya dapat menikmati susu umi secara eksklusif hanya selama 3 bulan dan kemudian dicampur dengan susu formula. Ibu mana yang tidak mahu menyusui anak-anaknya.. Namun ketika itu terlalu banyak kekangan yang umi hadapi duhai anakku..

Umi mu ini ketika kelahiranmu pada tanggal 23/3/2004 adalah seorang pelajar Master sepenuh masa. Umi dan ayah tidak mampu untuk membeli pam yang berkualiti dan peralatan lain untuk menyimpan stok susu. Ayah baru sahaja  bekerja dan umi pelajar. Ya.. Memang umi mendapat tajaan.. tetapi kos sara hidup tinggi di Kuala Lumpur ini.

Alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan urusan kita sekeluarga. Ayah yang bekerja sebagai Pegawai Pemasaran di salah sebuah hospital swasta di Selangor telah membolehkan ayah mendapat bekalan susu yang bermutu dari pembekal susu. Selama setahun bekalan susu yang berjenama dapat dinikmati secara percuma.

Tiga bulan umi bercuti dan menyusukan Ahnaf. Kemudian umi terpaksa meneruskan jihad umi. Umi cuba memerah susu di tempat belajar tetapi dek peralatan yang murah, susu tidak dapat keluar dengan banyak. Umi hanya mampu memerah susu selama 3 bulan kerana kekurangan peralatan. Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya Ahnaf dapat juga menikmati sekurang-kurangnya sekali penyusuan dengan susu umi di rumah ibu yang menjagamu.

Namun begitu, apabila umi balik dari kuliah dan hari minggu, dirimu menyusu sepenuhnya dengan umi. Alhamdulillah, berkat sokongan dan doa umi dan ayah, susu umi tak putus buat mu Ahnaf.

Paling umi dan ayah tidak dapat lupakan di mana dirimu terpaksa berhenti dari menyusu ketika usiamu menginjak 9 bulan. Atas nasihat doktor pakar, umi terpaksa menghentikan penyusuan demi keselamatan adikmu. Maka berakhirlah episod penyusuan anak umi yang pertama.

2) Amru Al-Qais Azwadi

Maafkan umi anakku. Sepertimana abangmu Ahnaf, dek kekangan kewangan, umi hanya mampu menyusui mu secara eksklusif selama 3 bulan dan selebihnya dicampur dengan dengan susu formula ketika umi ke kuliah.

Namun begitu, umi dapat menyusukan Amru selama 2 tahun walaupun tidak sepenuh masa, Alhamdulillah. Ketika dirimu di samping umi, tidak pernah sekalipun dirimu menikmati susu formula. Alhamdulillah, susu umi tidak pernah kering sehingga dirimu menginjak dua tahun. Kesibukan umi sebagai pelajar tahun akhir tidak mematahkan semangat umi untuk terus menyusui mu. Peranan ayahmu juga tidak dilupakan. Berkat doa ayah, umi berjaya melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang ibu dengan baik.

Sesudah dirimu menginjak dua tahun, secara perlahan-lahan kami menghentikan penyusuan. Dan Alhamdulillah kedua-dua anak umi dan ayah amat mudah putus susu badan dan tidak banyak ragam. Maka dengan ini selesailah tanggungjawab umi.

3) Akhtar Al-Qais Azwadi

Seindah nama mu - Yang Terpilih, dirimu amat bertuah anakku jika dibandingkan dengan kedua-dua abangmu. Dengan kedudukan ekonomi keluarga kita semakin kukuh, umi dan ayah mampu membeli peralatan untuk penyusuan secara eksklusif. Umi berjaya menyusukanmu secara ekslusif selama 1 tahun 3 bulan. Itupun atas arahan ayah, agar umi mencampurkan susu formula dek kasihankan umi berpenat lelah mengejar masa memerah susu dan jihad PhD umi.

Namun, umi tidak ralat kerana umi telah melangkaui masa minimum penyusuan eksklusif yang disarankan iaitu 6 bulan. Alhamdulillah ya Allah..

Seperti jua abang-abangmu, dirimu tidak pernah menikmati susu formula di kala umi di sisi. Bahkan, penyusuanmu melangkaui jarak masa yang disarankan iaitu 3 tahun. Agak sukar buat umi dan ayah untuk menghentikan penyusuan dek kemanjaanmu. Almaklumlah, anak bongsu la katakan..

Usai dirimu 3 tahun, maka tamatlah tanggungjawab umi menyusuimu..

Sunday 15 September 2013

Sudah lama menghilang diri di alam cyber baru hari ini ku kembali

Well it has been so long i haven't write anything on my beloved blog.. I think it's time to start my blog writing.. tunggu.. ada pelbagai perkara ingin kukongsikan di sini.. ;-)